Harvey, P. S., L. N. Virgin, and M. H. Tehrani. “Buckling of elastic columns with second-mode imperfections.” Meccanica 54, no. 8 (June 1, 2019): 1245–55.
Ehrhardt, D. A., and L. N. Virgin. “Experiments on the thermal post-buckling of panels, including localized heating.” Journal of Sound and Vibration 439 (January 20, 2019): 300–309.
Virgin, L. N. Introduction to experimental nonlinear dynamics: A case study in mechanical vibration, 2019.
Virgin, L. N., Y. Susan Guan, and R. H. Plaut. “Curved structures that can elastically snap-through.” In Conference Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Mechanics Series, 1:275–77, 2019.
Guan, Y., L. N. Virgin, and D. Helm. “Structural behavior of shallow geodesic lattice domes.” International Journal of Solids and Structures 155 (December 15, 2018): 225–39.
Zhong, J., L. N. Virgin, and S. D. Ross. “A tube dynamics perspective governing stability transitions: An example based on snap-through buckling.” International Journal of Mechanical Sciences 149 (December 1, 2018): 413–28.
Ross, S. D., A. E. Bozorgmagham, S. Naik, and L. N. Virgin. “Experimental validation of phase space conduits of transition between potential wells.” Physical Review E 98, no. 5 (November 15, 2018).
Virgin, L. N. “Enhancing the teaching of elastic buckling using additive manufacturing.” Engineering Structures 174 (November 1, 2018): 338–45.
Virgin, L. “Tailored Buckling Constrained by Adjacent Members.” Structures 16 (November 1, 2018): 20–26.
Virgin, L. N., J. V. Giliberto, and R. H. Plaut. “Deformation and vibration of compressed, nested, elastic rings on rigid base.” Thin-Walled Structures 132 (November 1, 2018): 167–75.
Virgin, L. N., and J. M. T. Thompson. “Applications of Bifurcation: Nonautonomous Periodically-Excited Systems.” International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos 28, no. 11 (October 1, 2018).
Brzeski, P., and L. N. Virgin. “System identification of energy dissipation in a mechanical model undergoing high velocities: An indirect use of perpetual points.” Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing 108 (August 1, 2018): 115–25.
Virgin, L. N. “Sympathetic resonance.” American Journal of Physics 86, no. 6 (June 1, 2018): 439–42.
Harvey, P. S., and L. N. Virgin. “Effect of stiffener geometry on the response of grid-stiffened panels.” Journal of Engineering Mechanics 144, no. 2 (February 1, 2018).
Detroux, Thibaut, Jean-Philippe Noël, Lawrence N. Virgin, and Gaëtan Kerschen. “Experimental study of isolas in nonlinear systems featuring modal interactions.” PloS One 13, no. 3 (January 2018): e0194452.
Brzeski, P., and L. N. Virgin. “Experimental investigation of perpetual points in mechanical systems.” Nonlinear Dynamics 90, no. 4 (December 1, 2017): 2917–28.
Virgin, L. “Enhancing the teaching of structural dynamics using additive manufacturing.” Engineering Structures 152 (December 1, 2017): 750–57.
Virgin, L. “Enhancing the teaching of linear structural analysis using additive manufacturing.” Engineering Structures 150 (November 1, 2017): 135–42.
Plaut, R. H., L. N. Virgin, and J. D. Knight. “Predicting critical speeds in various rotordynamics problems.” Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science 231, no. 21 (November 1, 2017): 3913–22.
Plaut, R. H., and L. N. Virgin. “Snap-through under unilateral displacement control with constant velocity.” International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics 94 (September 1, 2017): 292–99.
Plaut, R. H., and L. N. Virgin. “Furthest reach of a uniform cantilevered elastica.” Mechanics Research Communications 83 (July 1, 2017): 18–21.
Virgin, L. N., Y. Guan, and R. H. Plaut. “On the geometric conditions for multiple stable equilibria in clamped arches.” International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics 92 (June 1, 2017): 8–14.
Virgin, L. “On the flexural stiffness of 3D printer thermoplastic.” International Journal of Mechanical Engineering Education 45, no. 1 (January 1, 2017): 59–75.
Bishop, S. R., and L. N. Virgin. “The onset of chaotic motions of a moored semi-submersible.” IN: PROC. ASME SIXTH (1987) INT. OFFSHORE MECHANICS AND ARCTIC ENGINEERING SYMP., (HOUSTON, U.S.A.: MAR. 1-6, 1987) II, J.S. Chung; S. Berg; S.K. Chakrabarti; S.R. Montgomery (eds.), New York, U.S.A., Am. Soc. Mech. (January 1, 2017).
Knight, J. D., L. N. Virgin, and R. H. Plaut. “Predicting Critical Speeds in Rotordynamics: A New Method.” In Journal of Physics: Conference Series, Vol. 744, 2016.